Cleanrooms solutions for Dry Rooms
and EV factories

A wide selection of solutions for the industry's Dry Rooms or Low RH areas.

  • A Dry Room facility where attention to quality and aesthetic details are carefully designed to convey the highest quality image to all stakeholders involved from customers and upper management to operators and regulatory agencies inspectors.
  • A modular cleanroom - dry room construction project is not only material supply:  it means consulting, basic and detailed design, jobsite management, professional installation, validation and certification. Experience in large projects up to 60,000 Sq Ft
  • Automotive industry regulations require certified materials for electrical, walls and ceilings panels, and accessories (FM - UL, ASTM e84)
  • Wide selection of material on surfaces, insulation and sealants to respond to any particular project requirements to respond to the strict requirements of the EV Batteries manufacturing areas or any other areas where low RH requirements are in place.

Dry Rooms and Cleanroom Project for Electric Vehicle Battery Facility in Detroit, MI

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